I'm Too Sexy
by Right Said Fred, UP

Wufei happily skips home, wearing a tight black leather cat suit, complete with neko ears, tail, and paws when suddenly a large stick falls on his head.  He is immediately knocked out.)

I'm too sexy for my shirt too sexy for my shirt
So sexy it hurts

(The rest of the G-boys, similarly dressed as various cats, complete with tails, paws, and ears see Wufei lying in the street.)

And I'm too sexy for Milan too sexy for Milan

(Trowa is dressed as a lion, his mane fluffily spruced out and braided in with numerous little chibi SD pins at the end)

NewYork and Japan

(Heero is dressed in a spandex Tiger suit.  No more explanation needed ^^;;)

And I'm too sexy for your party

(Duo dressed in a figure hugging black velvet suit as a panther.  He even has the cute little whiskers across his upper lip.)

Too sexy for your party

(Quatre is dressed in a little wolf costume.  The effect is somewhat spoiled by the crooked pink headband he his wearing.)

No way I'm disco dancing

(They revive him.)

I'm a model, you know what I mean
And I do my little turn on the catwalk

(He awakens, stares at them, and gives a little squeak at their outfits.  He looks down and gives voice to a full piercing shriek.)

Yeah on the catwalk On the catwalk yeah
I do my little turn on the catwalk

(He runs away screaming incoherently, leaving the rest of the boys staring after him.)

I'm too sexy for my car too sexy for my car

(Trowa shrugs and fluffs his mane some more.)

To sexy by far

(Duo twitches his tail and stretches...molding the tight black fabric even closer. ~_^)

And I'm too sexy for my hat

(Heero gives an indifferent shrug and licks at his paws, staring rather predatorily at Duo...)

Too sexy for my hat What do you think about that

(Quatre gives a little wolfy howl...and jumps the preening Trowa.)

I'm a model you know what I mean
And I do my little turn on the catwalk

(Wufei finally reaches Nataku.  He has somehow managed to have torn off the top half of his costume.  He is wearing only the tight leather pants, kitty paw, tail, and ears.)

Yeah on the catwalk On the catwalk yeah
I shake my little touche on the catwalk

(He runs up Nataku, where we have a close up of his tight rear in black leather.  He opens the hatch...)

And I'm too sexy for my too sexy for my too sexy for my

(...only to find Lion san there, fiddling with the controls.)

'Cos I'm a model, you know what I mean
And I do my little turn on the catwalk

(The leather clad boy gives a little squeal and races out of the cockpit.  Nataku comes to life with a roar, literally, giving chase.)

Yeah on the catwalk On the catwalk yeah

(Wufei is chased over hills, valleys, strangely shaped mountains, with Nataku rapidly following.)

I shake my little touche on the catwalk

(Finally, he collapses from exhaustion.  Lion-san climbs out and stalks the boy.)

And I am too sexy for my cat Too sexy for my cat

(Wufei grabs a nearby stick of Justice and waves it at the steadily approaching Lion-san.  He knocks the head off...Behold!)

Poor pussy poor pussy cat

(It is Treize in a lion costume!!)

I'm too sexy for my love too sexy for my love

(He scoops the stunned Wufei up...and they live happily ever after.)

Love's going to leave me

(Oh... as for the rest of the G-boys.  Duo finally finds out what's really in Heero's spandex.  And well Quatre...is still jumping Trowa, complete with cute liddle wolf howls and pink hair band ^^;;)


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