I Will Remember You
(Music and Lyrics by Sarah McLachlan, Seamus Egan, and Dave Merenda)

I will remember you

Quatre, in a huge office, dressed in black, picks up a picture.  It is of himself, as a toddler, smiling up at at his father.

Will you remember me?

Trowa, with his clown outfit and halfmask, stands in the shadow.  He watches Catherine chat excitedly with another circus performer.

Don't let your life pass you by

Heero, seated on a park bench, watching various couples and children .  He gazes on the scene impassively, his eyes briefly pausing on a  laughing little girl .

Weep not for the memories

Duo,  kneeling in front of an altar, lights three candles.  He clutches his gold cross while his lips move silently to a prayer.

Remember the good times that we had?

Wufei stands next to his gundam in a forest clearing.  He raises a reverent hand to his gundam and whispers one word aloud.

I let them slip away from us when things got bad

The scene splits into five parts, with each of the boys shown.  Suddenly, a shadow falls over the entire screen, and all the G-boys look up, as if startled.  The scene fades to black.

How clearly I first saw you smilin' in the sun

Duo, smiling cheekily, trades glances  with Solo as the two boys run through a market, stolen food tucked in their shirts.  They are being chased by several angry merchants.

Wanna feel your warmth upon me,

Solo, lies dying in Duo's lap, reaches out a hand to gently wipe Duo's tears from his face.  His hand falters and falls limply to the ground.

I wanna be the one

Duo, now older, walks alongside Sister Helen and Father Maxwell, chatting happily.

I will remember you

Duo, returning with the stolen mobile suit, stumbles upon the massive carnage and destruction where the Maxwell church should have been.

Will you remember me?

>Present Day<
Duo, dressed in his customary black, somberly regards the ruins of the church, now overun with wildflowers and weeds.

Don't let your life pass you by

He smiles sadly.
"Miracles are hard to come by these days, but Shinigami is everywhere, ne?  Father Maxwell, Sister Helen . . . Solo ."

Weep not for the memories

Quatre arguing with his father.  Suddenly, Quatre storms out of the room and slams the door shut.  His father looks furious, then resigned with a wistful smile on his face.   " . . . good luck."

I'm so tired but I can't sleep

Quatre, angrily wiping away tears, as he  works feverishly on the Wing Zero system.  His face is grimly set as he scans over the blueprints and diagnostics.

Standin' on the edge of something much too deep

Trowa giving his speech to Quatre as his mobile suit comes apart, while Quatre looks on in shock.

It's funny how we feel so much but we cannot say a word

>Present Day<
Quatre, still dressed in black, is standing at his father's grave.  He opens his mouth, as if to speak, then closes it.  He gently touches the stone marker before turning to leave.

We are screaming inside, but we can't be heard

Heero impassively decimates mobile suit after mobile suit.  In the end, he is the only one left standing amidst the destruction.  He bows his head  and  gazes at his hands, opening and closing them convulsively.

But I will remember you

A little girl offers Heero a flower, smiling brightly.

Will you remember me?

>Present Day<
Heero walks along a street, stonily brushing past all others on the busy sidewalk.  Suddenly, a little girl stumbles in front of him and starts to cry.

Don't let your life pass you by

Heero glares at her, uncertain what to do.  " . . . follow your emotions."  He awkwardly bends down and reaches out to pat her back.  He draws back at the last minute, staring at his hands.  She starts crying harder, and he finally, hesitatingly, pats her on the back.  She sniffs and gives him a bright smile.

Weep not for the memories

Heero seems stunned at the response,  . . . then smiles back, the corner of his lips barely turning upwards.  She stands up and starts to skip away, melting into the crowd.  He gazes after her, still with a half smile on his face.  His hands gently close.

I'm so afraid to love you, but more afraid to loose

Trowa sits inside a trailor, sipping tea.  He is watching Catherine take a nap on a futon.  Suddenly, his communicator beeps, signaling a new mission.

Clinging to a past that doesn't let me choose

Trowa calmly stands up to  leave, then hesitates at the door.  He glances back at the oblivious Catherine and quietly walks out the door.

Once there was a darkness, deep and endless night

Trowa, in his gundam Heavyarms,  quickly discards his gun; it is out of bullets.  More mobile suits quickly swarm toward him, eager to press their advantage.  The situation seems hopeless, and  Trowa's hand briefly passes over the self-destruct button.

You gave me everything you had, oh you gave me light

Aface flashes before his eyes . . . Catherine, crying . . . for him?   Trowa stares at his hand, still hovering over the mechanism.  He smiles, briefly, before pulling his hand away.  He begins fighting hand to hand.

And I will remember you

>Present Day<
Inside the circus tent, Trowa and Catherine are side to side bowing before a cheering crowd.  They trade brief smiles.

Will you remember me?

Wufei  impassively regards a group of OZ soldiers as they begin harassing a merchant.  He snorts then jumps up, clearly intending to walk away.  Suddenly, he narrows his eyes as a young girl runs out to defend the older man.  Wufei turns away again, only to turn back at the girl's angry battle cries.

Don't let your life pass you by

Wufei is mesmerized as the girl, obviously having some martial arts training, begins to beat back the surprised OZ soldiers.  However, she is clearly outnumbered and begins to falter before their renewed assaults.  She refuses to give up and continues to fight, with a look of fierce concentration.  Wufei shakes his head and heads toward the altercation.

Weep not for the memories

Wufei casually defeats all his opponents.  He stares at the girl.  "Don't get involved if you are unsure of your victory."  She is startled , then angry.  "Well then, should I just allow this to happen.  Stand back and pretend that this isn't going on before my eyes."  His eyes briefly unfocus, as if remembering . . .

And I will remember you

He turns to go, but he is smiling.

Will you remember me?

>Present Day<
In a dojo, Wufei practices his katas witha small frown.  He suddenly stops and glances toward his duffel bag in the corner.  He bows his head briefly then heads toward the bag.  He seats himself and opens the bag.  He pulls out a book and  flips through several pages before stopping on one.  Between the pages is a picture . . .

Don't let your life pass you by

Duo and Quatre, laughing, stand on line for a circus show.  Trowa, in a tux and top hat, come out to greet them.  They enter the tent.

Weep not for the memories

During the show, Trowa looks up several times to see Quatre, applauding politely but enthusiastically; and Duo, whistling and hooting his appreciation.  He continues to scan about then smiles.

Weep not for the memories

Heero, with his arms crossed, stand in a corner alone, casually leaning against the exit.  They exchange nods.  Wufei enters the tent rather belatedly and makes his way toward the other two.  The scene fades to white to the sound of the applause and laughter of the crowd.

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