Today was the day, the day where it would all begin and all would be revealed. Sakuragi let out a triumphant roar of laughter, though it sounded more like an elephant stepping on a spiny porcupine and screaming, the elephant and not the porcupine since most probably the porcupine was dead upon impact by then- a porcupine pancake even. There was no escape from the all knowing and all seeing eye of the Tensai, for was not the Tensai the first to sense that something was off about that baka kitsune? The red head stood tall and proud in the street, striding down the busy sidewalk with nary a thought to the much smaller, not to mention shorter, passerby that scurried to the side to avoid him. To their eyes he was more of a tall red headed cackling idiot giant than a Tensai, and it showed in their expressions and the way they would whisper to one another behind their hands so much like the busy buzzing of bees, but he was Tensai and in a particularly expansive mood so he would forgive. He had finally found something to hold over that irritating, annoying, baka kitsune. . . Rukawa had a secret! Sakuragi felt like singing it aloud; the kitsune had a secret and *he* would be the one to reveal it. For the past few weeks now, instead of staying late to practice those few dozen shots to hone an already incredible shooting eye, not as accurate as the Tensai's own shots of course, the dark haired boy would mumble something that vaguely sounded like a farewell before trudging out of the gym. After the first week or so of this, the red headed first year became suspicious. Never mind that no one else really noticed that Rukawa's pattern had changed, the rest of the team simply assumed he was going to practice somewhere alone; never mind that *he* was the only one who seemed to sense that Rukawa had something to hide; never mind that they kept giving him odd looks when he brought the subject up, shrugging it off as the ravings of a jealous rival; he was above all of it! And he had a plan, fool proof even. Of course, many a fool has been foiled by a fool proof plan but he would be the fool to avoid it or rather the Tensai to avoid it. But would that make it a Tensai proof plan then? He shrugged off such inconsquential musings.